
Planting a seed

This is a powerful meditation that brings positivity and recharge to the mind that is unfocused or goes through negative loops.

The technique used in this meditation is Visualization. It should be performed in complete Relaxation pose (preferably done at the end of your practice).

To begin with, choose the most comfortable position for your body. Check if your left side equals the right. Neck long, chin gently tucked, shoulders level, torso straight, legs resting.

Options for fuller relaxation:

  1. Make your room dim, nice-smelling and sounding peaceful (we operate with our senses)
  2. Rest the lower legs + feet on a bolster
  3. Support the back of the head by a 2 inch tall firm pillow
  4. Cover your whole body with a cozy blanket
  5. Some people love the heaviness of an eye pillow over the lids

When the body is aligned and at ease, we move on to visualization:

Solar plexus is the area that covers Upper abdomen – right below the ribs widening out to the front and sides of the belly.

We take the seed of any size, any shape you choose. We look at the seed with love and understanding that it is going to sprout into a healthy plant that oxygenates your body with no pause or stop button. It is instinctual, so you do not have to think about it.

You take the seed and carefully plant it in the rich and moist soil that centers around your upper abdomen. This soil makes seeds sprout fast and you observe the growth with attention.

Sprout – Seedling – Vegetating plant – eventually blooming into a Flowering plant. Oxygen…. Dissolving into the cells of your body.

Water the plant, take care of it with no rush, with full attention. Look at the smoothness of its leaves, the stability of the stem. This is your inner support, your base of life force.

You decide where this spacious/oxygen wants to travel. Keep the chest forward to receive, yet relaxed to absorb the process.