Box Breath Technique

In this week’s newsletter I would like to equip you with a mind training tool. A proven yoga technique that is even used in elite military training. 

Like the muscles in our body, our mind is TRAINABLE.

When you exercise your body, it gets stronger and more endurable. When you exercise your mind, it becomes calmer and friendlier. This is the simple law of consistency.

Recent statistics shows surges in anxiety, depression and mental illnesses across the globe. Even when everything seems to be fine, we are still consumed by stress and it becomes chronic.

It is my strong belief that the following technique should be practiced regularly to reduce stress and anxiety in our lives. 

 To Prepare 

  1. Blow your nose to clear out mucus in the nasal passages
  2. Find a comfortable seat on a chair or lean back against the wall (straight back)
  3. Close your eyes to turn off the senses
  4. Notice your own breathing (no judgement or evaluation)

Box Breath Technique or 16 second meditation

  • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds (tip: use your fingers to count)
  • Hold the breath (with muscles relaxed) for 4 seconds
  • Exhale through the nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold empty for 4 seconds.

 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 16 
16 seconds

Keep in mind that if the breath is shallow, you can shorten the hold.

Holding for 2 seconds is a great way to start. 

Benefits of box breath:

  • Keeps blood pressure in check
  • Restores balance in the nervous system
  • Works as anxiety relief 
  • Improves the mood
  • Helps with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Experience speaks louder than a thousand words.