Hormones and Yoga

Human body is governed by hormones. These chemical messengers travel across human brain and body impacting the mood, immunity, the way our organs work, metabolism, reproduction and even thoughts. 

For a healthy/happy existence humans need just the right amount of each hormone. Hormones are released into our bloodstream by glands. 

Chakras and Glands

Latest research in yoga science emphasizes direct correlation between yogic chakras (energy wheels) and primary glands in the body.

There is 7 chakras and 7 main endocrine glands.

What I came to realize is that there is no single way to balance chakras or regulate glandular system.  It is a complex system that works differently on everyone. 

Below are some general restoration and healing practices that have shown to improve overall wellbeing. 

Tips on how to restore hormonal health

  1. Relaxation (massage/ restorative yoga/ bubble bath/ meditation) 
  2. Movement (yoga asana/ meridian exercises/ cardio workouts/ qi gong/ tai chi)
  3. Following circadian rhythms (internal sleep and wake up clock)
  4. Nutritious and balanced diet (all colors)
  5. Supplements and herbs
  6. Emotional support (family/ friends/ colleagues)
  7. Spare time = Having a passion or hobby

Good luck on your journey back home. 
Journey to your healthy body and mind!

I am here to share my knowledge, support your growth and practice with you.