Evolution and Fear

Since early history people migrated to new places, explored new surroundings, and adjusted to new life. This is known as evolution; it is a part of creation. These migrations happened mostly out of necessity and human progress has been a huge bonus. 

We start seeing our life differently when we go beyond the “enclosure” of our comfort and step into the unknown. It is a frightening experience with rewarding outcome.

This piece of writing is about the Unknown.

The unknown brings out our uncovered qualities, sense of accomplishment and confidence. You begin to see yourself differently.

You start thinking “I could never have imagined in my wildest dreams that I can… (dance like this, speak another tongue, change my entire diet, jump into the cold ocean, try a new sport, switch careers, win an award, present in front of hundreds of people etc.) “This feeling is delightful and nurturing.

 Fear feelings

The only serious obstacle we have to face is our FEAR.
Fear brings out the parts in humans they’d rather hide:

  • Insecurity (“I don’t have enough money to travel“, “Some other time maybe“),
  • Self Doubt (“In our family no one has ever done it“, I’ve never been good at public speaking“)
  • Belittlement (“I am too old for this“, “I am not intelligent/patient enough to start my own thing“)
  • Pride/ Boosted ego (“I am so smart, the teacher doesn’t know much“, judgement and criticism of other people’s activities and behaviors. “I would never do it!)

There is not just a single type of fear. They are numerous. So it is work. Work to:

1. Identify them, dissect and eliminate. Use the thinking. OR
2. Do/ step outside the comfort zone without thinking. The choice is open. The choice is ours!

In order to evolve and thrive, we must face and work through our mental and physical fears. It is a part of healthy growth and evolution.