Yin & Yang

Deadlines, schedules, calls, meetings, household chores, responsibilities… These external demands of the world keep piling up creating the sense of urgency and inability to take a break.

Modern society and pace of life is “Yang” (the force of doing, accomplishing, moving). When we do/move/work/think the Yang energy takes the lead and it is difficult to break the cycle of repetitive doing.

Yang is tasks driven. It is action dominated.

How many times have you thought of taking a bath or stretching your body or writing your thoughts down in silence after an exhausting day filled with doing?

We’ve all been there…

Nature and humans strive for balance. It keeps us happy, sustained and healthy.

If the modern world is Yang dominated, then it makes sense to introduce more “Yin” practices into our lives.

Yin is the force of non – doing.

In Zen Buddhism, the non-doing is simply being here, in the present moment, tracking each breath wave with an inner smile.

Inhalation is Expansion

Exhalation is Contraction

All matter expands and contracts: blood pumping, respiratory organs, muscles, plant fibers, liquids, solids etc.

Our goal is to just notice that. Notice how our own bodies work. Notice the laws of existence.

I invite you to join my weekly Yin practice. It is a chance to restore balance in the body and mind.

Surrender to non-doing and rest. You deserve a break.

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including YOU”

                     -Anne Lamott