Daily reminders

In order to live a fulfilled life, two levels of needs must be met.

Physical needs: food, shelter, water, safety.

Psychological needs: connection, need to be heard/seen, sense of belonging.
The truth is: Humans need connection. If our psychological needs were not met growing up, or some threatening life event occurs that disrupts this need – Global Pandemics – it becomes hard to connect with others, hard to maintain healthy relationships and trust the world.

All of us are impacted. Although it has been such a relief being vaccinated and slowly returning to society, we still live in the time of massive global and personal transition. This transit might be taking years.

Personal transformation became inevitable.

It is my firm belief that the world has a potential to transform only after each of us takes a step toward personal transformation. It is work. It is repetition. It is a slow process of taking charge of your own life.
I would like to share something I have found so profound for personal transformation.

Something that I tell myself every day. Repetition is mind practice.

My daily reminders/affirmations

  • I am not defined by the shape of my body because I know that it changes as I go through stages of my life
  • I am not defined by the clothes I wear. One day I can look all fancy and the next won’t even shower.
  • I am not defined by other people’s opinions of me or my actions. I have my own life to live. They have their own. I am the only one responsible for my happiness.
  • I am not defined by my skills because I know as long as my desire is strong I can do ANYTHING.

You can do anything! Your mind is more powerful than you think.

The quiet mind is the master mind.