
The concept of meridian lines (channels/pathways) takes its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

TCM approach centers around Energy in human body.

This energy is called “Qi” or “Ki”.

Qi flows through the entire body and its function is to nourish and protect internal organs + sustain proper brain function (through activation of neuron chains).

Qi would be comparable to Electricity. It charges and sends signals to internal organs and all physical tissue. Electrical current flows in copper wires in your household, it is made up of moving electrons.

Meridians would be comparable to copper wires. They are invisible to naked eye pathways of energy. Meridians direct Qi from head to toe and in reverse.

If there is breakage or rust in the wiring, electricity can not be properly delivered. Same with meridians – if they get blocked or stagnant (due to lifestyle choices, ecology, stress, injury, mental/emotional trauma), Qi can not be fully distributed in the energy body.

Stagnant or Disrupted Meridians can cause multitude of ailments from mood disorders to chronic physical conditions.

Meridians transmit signals to organs and tissue. They can easily be activated/stimulated/manipulated and cleared.

Ways to impact Meridians
  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Massage (self-massage included)
  • Yin yoga
  • Breath work
  • Herbal treatments

People in China attribute longevity and health to strong and vibrant Qi.

If Qi is vibrant, uninterrupted and buzzing, internal organs are charged and our channels are open to create, overcome and accept life as it is.

It is slow medicine. You are your own healer!