Global interest in fascia

What fascinates me about science is that it never stops advancing. New research, publications, data emerge as people are looking for ways to increase human longevity and quality of life.

More than ever before the human body is being researched all across the globe. Fascia is gaining more prominence in science circles as scientists learn that it acts like a biding material in the human body. 

What is fascia?

Fascia is a web of connective tissue that encloses the internal parts of the body from head to toe keeping everything together. Fascia is everywhere. It can be found immediately beneath the skin, around groups of muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, organs and cells. It “glues” all our organs, joints, muscles, bones and functions as an elastic band that stretches like skin.

 Fascia in Yin Yoga

When we exercise muscles, we engage strength and speed.
When we exercise fascia, we engage stretching and stillness. 

Fascia starts to activate after 120 seconds which is why holding positions for a longer period of time is an essential part of Yin Yoga. Stretching the fascia works similarly to a deep tissue massage.

After 2 minutes of unforced stretch, it is common to experience the feeling of tingling/numbness followed by, as my students describe it “relief” or “lightness in the body” or “sooo good” etc. 

Our body is one whole mechanism requiring a holistic approach to ensure our health.