Pericardium Meridian

“Pericardium is a physical and emotional Protector of the heart.”

Peri – around/ cardium – heart (Latin)


The Pericardium is the heart’s protective sack. In Chinese Medicine it is a Fire organ whose special job is to protect the heart. Not only does the pericardium physically protect the heart, its energy also protects the heart energetically from damage and disruption by excessive emotions from other organs and external sources. In the Chinese system of health, extreme emotional outbursts are seen as powerful disruptors of balance and a major cause of disease. Without the pericardium to protect it, the heart could be gravely injured by every-day emotional fluctuations.

  • The Pericardium protects the heart from emotional trauma; it constricts the chest to protect the heart and helps express the Joy.
  • The pericardium helps regulate circulation in the major blood vessels running in and out of the heart.

Channel Pathway

Stimulation channel follows the pathway: 

Mid chest – front of the armpit – biceps  – elbow crease – wrist – middle of the palm – middle fingernail  


  • Chest discomfort due to inflammation
  • Sexual function
  • Stiff neck
  • Vertigo 
  • Nausea
  • Deep feelings of sadness/depression 

Aggravates the Channel

Smoking, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, lack of trust and love in the environment, overthinking.

Nourishes the Channel

Relaxation, meditation, breath work, QiGong, therapy with the focus on self-acceptance and relationships with the external world. 

Signs of imbalance: 

Pericardium imbalance can manifest as chronic damaging relationship patterns, chest discomfort or liquid around the heart. 

Emotional signs of imbalance include guarded behavior, relationship fears, excessive vulnerability, too much joy, incessant laughter, giggling out of control, mental Disturbance, phobias, sexual perversion
