Sphinx Pose

This gentle heart opener stimulates Lung and Heart Meridians thus releasing intercoastal muscular tension in the chest cavity. 

It offers a chance to unwind from a squeezed office chest to an open confident heart. 


Comfortably lay on your stomach. Allow the chest to ground down, arms resting.

Push your upper body up with your forearms supporting the structure.

Keep the chin tucked.

Allow the shoulders to move away from the ears and back. 

Pause, feel sensations of broadening across the chest and shoulders.

Stay for 3-5 min.

Aim to relax completely, letting go of resistance both mental and physical.

Notice the gentle backbend in thoracic and lumbar spine.

Let go off your hips and the holding.

Targets: abdominal muscles, intercostals, obliques, lumbar aponeurosis, deltoids.


  • Opens up the chest and respiratory organs,
  • Counteracts slouching
  • Strengthens the spine
  • Combats fatigue
  • Stimulates kidney and bladder lines through the backbend
  • Soothes the nervous system