Shoelace is a significant hip opener. Like roots of a tree, legs twine together moisturizing the joints.This pose falls into an intermediate level of difficulty.
CAUTION with knees and hips injuries
Elevate your hips by sitting on a cushion/bolster so there is enough room for the legs to twist safely.
From the cross legged position, bring one foot under the opposite thigh.
The other foot safely travels across the opposite hip (outer hip).
One knee would be directly on top of the other, feet pointing to opposite sides.
Aim to release fully and let go of controlled muscular holding.
If it feels right, start folding your torso forward on a bolster
Stay for 3-5 min and switch sides.
Close your eyes for introspection.
Relax completely, letting go of resistance both mental and physical.
At any point during your Yin pose, if something feels too much, exit in a SLOW manner.
Targets: hip flexors, outer hips, IT band, ankles, knee caps, lower back (if folded)
- Increases hip mobility
- Massages the stomach by compression in forward fold
- Aids in intestinal movement
- Stimulates the Gallbladder, Kidney and Liver lines
- If Shoelace is inaccessible, alternatives are Sleeping swan/Square or Eye-of-the-needle.
- Windshield wipers would be a restorative way of transition.