
This restorative pose offers  vast possibilities for deep lung breathing as it stretches lateral lines of the body freeing one side of the lung cavity at a time.

It activates the Gallbladder meridian pathway and clears anxiety.


Bring your arms overhead (or keep them parallel).

Without moving the hips, take your feet and then upper body to the right.

Pause, feel sensations and stretch a bit deeper.

Stay for 3-5 min on each side

Aim to relax completely, letting go of resistance both mental and physical.

Let go off your hips and torso + any holding in those areas.

Keep the breath even and expanding on the long side of the body.

Focus your mind on emptiness and present moment. 

At any point if something feels too much, exit the pose in a SLOW manner.

Targets: iliotibial tract, gluteus maximus, intercoastals, obliques


  • Opens up lower body, counteracts sedentary habit
  • Reduces stress
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Aids in menstrual cramps
  • Promotes healthier digestion
  • Addresses imbalances on the lateral fascial lines of the body