Spinal Twist

This tension relieving pose is great to end your practice with. It stimulates lateral side of the body and decompresses the rest of the spine. It impact Bladder meridian line and calms autonomic nervous system.

CAUTION if you have issues with lumbar spine/ sciatica. Any shoulder or rotator cuff discomfort – stretch your arms along the sides.


Start on your back and hug one knee into the chest and guide it across the body. (There is an option of keeping the other leg straight or both legs bent together).

Shoulder blades are flat on the mat.

For a mores secure twist, place a bolster under your knees and attempt to let go completely. Sigh out.

Breathe here for 3-5 min and switch sides.

Targets: abdominal obliques, tensor fasciae latae, IT band, gluteal group.


  • Helps to improve the spinal cord’s range of motion.
  • Stimulates circulation and has a cleansing effect on the torso organs and associated glands.
  • Counteracts sedentary lifestyle.
  • Focuses on obliques which connect to tissues of the abdomen and lower back.