Gallbladder Meridian

- The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ that is part of the biliary system. On a physical level, it assists with fat digestion and keeps nutrients moving, controls body flexibility and tendon strength. The Gallbladder influences the sides of the head and body and directly affects the quality and length of sleep.There are 40 acupoints total only across the perimeter of the head – 20 on the left, 20 on the right.
- On an emotional level, it is responsible for decision making, courage to take action. Gallbladder blockages are caused bu repressed anger, frustration, irritability that shows as passive aggressiveness. Gallbladder exercises prevent and treat insomnia and sluggishness.
Benefits of stimulation
Exercises that stimulate the sides of the head, outer part of the body help with:
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Headaches
- Sciatic pain
- Ankle pain
Aggravates the Channel
Repressed anger, resentment, bitterness, sugar, alcohol, statin drugs, obesity, potatoes, pasta, rice, dairy, cheeses, grains, and sweet carb loaded treats like donuts, biscuits, cakes, fritters, and pancakes.
Nourishes the Channel
Healthy fats such as coconut oil, olive oil, and fish oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, Vitamin C, fiber, nuts, buckwheat, liver, regular vigorous exercise, hemp, turmeric, beets, black seed oil, avocados, blackberries, lemon juice, unfiltered apple cider vinegar, and dandelion.
GallBladder: Psycho-Emotional Aspects
It is commonly stated that the gallbladder is responsible for decision making, judgment, and courage.
As mentioned in the Su Wen, chapter 8, “The gallbladder is responsible for what is exact and just; determination and decision stem from it.” This is more than just making good decisions. It is the behavior within your environment and making the just and appropriate decisions in relation. It is about an individual connecting to guiding principles that they can observe and live by, and about using those principles to make good life decisions. The gallbladder also provides courage and initiative in making decisions.
When it is deficient, a lack of courage, lack of initiative, and lack of assertiveness are seen. This is often accompanied with timidity and poor self-image. The gallbladder, as a pivot, can also be seen as the hesitation between courage and fear.