Large Intestine Meridian


  • According to the Huangdi Neijing medical text written in 2,700 BCE, its function is to “Transport all turbidity. All waste products go through it”. The Large Intestine is closely associated with the lungs and skin, which are other important detox organs. It absorbs liquid and releases anything that is no longer needed in the way of food, toxins, emotions, thereby cleansing the body, mind and spirit.
  • On an emotional level, it is, just like Lung meridian, equally affected by emotions of sadness, grief, and worry. An imbalance in the Large Intestine can cause physical weakness or emotional introversion, accompanied by feelings of depression, irritability, discouragement, distress, and apathy.

Benefits of stimulation

Exercises that stimulate the outer side of both arms and the front of the torso help with:

  • Inflammation
  • Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea and bloating )
  • Lack of energy/stagnation/apathy
  • Swollen gums/accumulated mucus

Aggravates the Channel

Dehydration, sedentary lifestyle, gulping down meals, stagnant job, toxic environment, poorly chewed foods, irregular eating patterns, low-nutrient foods, acidic foods and foods that cause congestion, such as dairy, sugar and sweets, gluten, wheat, GMO-foods, refined or processed foods, excess raw fruits (sugar), excess raw vegetables and mushrooms (mold from the soil), peppers, cold beverages (which immobilize the digestive tract), yeast, excess vinegar, alcohol, fatty, greasy and deep-fried food.

Nourishes the Channel

Drinking plenty of clean water, chewing food completely down to a liquid, Moving the body, energetic, relaxing movements such as Qigong, Taichi, Nadhi Shoshana (Alternating nostril breathing). 

  • Massage and lymph movement for detoxing, 
  • Sweat a bit. 
  • Release the old and accept the new.
  • Express emotions including crying. 
  • Meditation, Yoga. 
  • Eat an alkaline diet of fresh vegetables lightly cooked in steam. GREEN vegetables, Eat lots of natural fiber from vegetables.
  • Avoid sugar.