Stomach Meridian (ST)


  • Stomach Meridian is one of the largest in the body with the total of 45 points. It is also called the ‘Root of Postnatal Life’, because it is responsible for providing the entire body with energy from the digestion of food and fluids. In addition to digesting foods and liquids and moving them to the small intestine for extraction and assimilation, the stomach also has an important energetic job. It extracts energy from foods and fluids, and coordinates with the spleen to transport that energy to the lungs. There it combines with Qi from the air we breathe. Any dysfunction of the stomach creates immediate imbalance in the other organs.
  • On an emotional level, it is associated with our ability to assimilate new ideas, absorb information, as well as honoring and nurturing the self.  We receive subtle energy from the universe through our food through the stomach. Thus it is an important receiving organ of universal information into our bodies. This energy is then passed on to the small intestine meridian where it is carefully sorted – do we keep it or do we let it go?

Common signs of imbalance

  • The Stomach meridian also has a vital role in our mental state. Imbalance can cause anxiety, confusion, hyperactivity,  depression, instability, doubt, suspicions, mania, suicidal tendencies, slowness at assimilating ideas and some types of ADD.

A stomach meridian imbalance may involve emotional factors such as: 

  • Holding nourishment
  • Digesting ideas
  • Dread, Fear of the new
  • Inability to assimilate the new 
  • Over-sympathetic nervous system

Benefits of stimulation

When stimulated and exercised or treated by acupuncture it has proved to help with:

  • Digestive and stomach problems
  • Edema, vomiting, hunger
  • Pain in the chest and abdomen
  • Sore and congested throat
  • Upper gum toothache
  • Fever and mania

Aggravates the channel

Worry, over-thinking, anxiety, eating on the go, multitasking.

Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, soft drinks, aspirin, ibuprofen, pharmaceuticals, and pain medications. 

Avoid wheat and gluten if you find out that the stomach is in imbalance.  

Avoid overeating, never lie down after meals, and avoid eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. It is not advisable to  dilute food with drink during meals. Instead, drink between meals. 

Anger, frustration and resentment affect the Stomach indirectly through Liver Qi Stagnation which invades the Stomach. Hence, never eat when you are angry.

Nourishes the channel

Root Vegetables such as carrots, parsnip, turnips, and all the other types of food that come from the earth.

  1. Chew your food 50 – 100 times,
  2.  Relax when eating. Chewing food very well stimulates body juices and gives a running start to the stomach. 
  3. Prepare food with love. Then enjoy eating it. 
  4. Food combining i.e. separating carbs & proteins at the same meal.

Eat a high protein nourishing breakfast, because 7 – 9am is peak stomach time, when the body is most efficient digesting proteins. Relax at mealtimes, and never eat on the run. Digestive enzymes can be effective temporarily, but best to be avoided long-term. Mercury metal fillings damage the stomach lining, so the removal of fillings accompanied by a mercury detox program may be highly beneficial.


Nicholas Duchnowski,,