Also known as Straddle, this pose is a powerful groin and inner thigh opener. It is a challenging position. With persistence and patience it is possible to let go off the beginner’s frustration with the pose.
Energetically, it impacts Liver and Spleen Meridians.
CAUTION with sciatica, keep the hips elevated.
In a seated position (sit bones on the edge of a cushion) take your legs as far apart as they can go.
Tilt your pelvis forward ad start lowering the torso down between the legs.
Rest your hands and forearms either on a bolster or floor.
Relax feet, ankles and knees.
With tight hamstrings use cushions to rest the backs of the thighs on.
Breathe here for 3-5 min.
Aim to relax completely, letting go of resistance both mental and physical.
Let go off your hips and the holding.
Keep the breath even between the right and the left halves of the body.
Focus your mind on emptiness and present moment.
At any point if something feels too much/extreme, exit the pose in a SLOW manner.
Targets: hamstrings, groin, psoas, lower back.
- Increases hip mobility and stretches inner thighs, hamstrings and spine
- Stimulates ovaries and reproductive system
- Helps to ease anxious mind and depression